Extreme underground measurements on 5GTN with Keysight Technologies and Nokia
The mysterious underground maintenance tunnels of the University of Oulu gained unprecedented value as the expert team of the open 5G Test Network (5GTN) at the Centre for Wireless Communications invited specialists from Keysight Technologies – a leading innovator in electronic test and measurement equipment – and Nokia to perform underground measurements in the vast tunnel network. Surrounded by thick concrete structures, the nearly endless narrow alleys offer an attractive angle for measuring the capacity of the campus wide wireless network and specifically its IoT components.
Support for mobile broadcast streaming service as part of 5G test network in Oulu
A new efficient media transfer method using multicast and broadcast technologies in the mobile networks, has been introduced to the 5G test network maintained by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the University of Oulu.
See our recent press release:
5GTN will be present in Hannover Messe 2018
5G Test Network will be part of VTT’s booth in Hannover Messe 2018 on April 23-27. The booth is located at Finnish Pavilion (Hall 6, Stand H16). Welcome to meet us and discuss more our offerings!
See more from VTT’s press release:
Funding call is now open for SMEs
Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs (MIDIH) is a project co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and participating partners. The project has cascade funding for third parties (European SMEs). MIDIH project has announced that 1st call is now open.
MIDIH Call-1 targets the development of data driven applications, by IT SMEs as technology providers, and experiments in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)/IoT by Manufacturing SMEs.
The open call aims at complementing functionalities around MIDIH reference architecture and performing experiments in CPS/IOT based on the components provided by the architecture. The experiments must cover one of the three main scenarios: Smart Factory or Smart Product or Smart Supply chain.
European SMEs can send proposals to Open call.
Max funding is 60k€ per proposal and call is open until 29th June.
Link to open call details, guidelines, proposal template is
VTT (Oulu) is a partner in MIDIH-project. VTT is building a competence center “Real Time Streams Analytics”. The competence center consists of a demonstration and training platform especially for SMEs with
- Real Time data sources in robotics manufacturing and machine control
- Low latency communication over 5G Test Network
- Streaming data analysis in the cloud
- FIWARE cloud service
VTT’s competence center contact: Jukka Koskinen, email:
Mobile broadband support being building up in 5G Test Network
Expway is building up eMBMS (Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service) technology into the 5G Test Network in Oulu. See more in the press release by Expway:
New 5GTN leaflet available
Take a look of our new leaflet! Please find it here:
You will also see these in our booth at MWC 2018 in Finland Pavilion (Hall 3, Stand 3B10).
Combined winter and connected car testing area with 5G Test Network (5GTN) launched in Sodankylä
Finnish Meteorological Institute has launched intelligent traffic systems, advanced road weather services and 5G-networking winter testing area in Sodankylä. Area consists of 1.7km track with two interactive Vaisala road weather stations, onboard mobile measurements in vehicles and networking with 5G, 3G, IEEE 802.11p and Wi-Fi. Test environment is a joint effort between Finnish Meteorological Institute and VTT in Sod5G EAKR project.
5GTN will host 5G service testing in Sodankylä car testing area. The test area is connected to the 5G Test Network and will offer 5G service development environment for the road weather services as well for Intelligent transport services and connected cars.
See more:
Further information: Jukka Mäkelä, Principal Scientist, VTT,, tel. +358 400 245 504
5GTN introduces more services
5G Test Network in Oulu adds Network Monitoring to its service portfolio offered to customers, making it possible to monitor selected KPI’s from network elements and interfaces. In addition, Wireless Access LTE service is enhanced with the introduction of VoLTE and messaging services capability. All these service products are available in 5GTN’s open innovation platform today. See descriptions of all available products at
Further information:
Olli Liinamaa, 5GTN Project Lead, University of Oulu, Olli.Liinamaa (at), tel. +358 40 546 1418
Atso Hekkala, 5GTN Project Lead, VTT, atso.hekkala (at), tel. +358 40 751 5708
Petri Kivinen, 5GTN Customer Relations, University of Oulu, Petri.Kivinen (at), tel. +358 50 328 5780
5G Team from Oulu to Korea Olympic games
The 5G team from Oulu goes to South Korea to install a unique test network in PyeongChang. There will be a connection between Finland and South Korea which allows the Olympic Park to be seen almost in real time in Oulu. People in Oulu are able to follow live streaming from the Olympic park and, at the same time, Korean people see the video from Finland.
See more (in Finnish):
The CNL technology demo competition: 5G and Beyond – Towards Autonomous Systems
It is again time for VTT’s CNL and 5G test network demo competition. The demo competition will be held at VTT premises in Oulu (Kaitoväylä 1) on Thursday 14th of December. In the event we will present some of the main results from our different research and development projects carried out during this year. In the event, the different demo groups will also compete for the Demo of the Year -title and CNL Trophy. The award will be given based on votes from audience.
The theme for this year is “5G and Beyond – Towards Autonomous Systems”, which targets on showing the various enablers for easing and securing our everyday life and handling the constantly increasing complexity of the networked systems. The developed technology enablers including for example utilizing 5G technologies for collecting and processing the sensor/radar information, improving the security in 5G systems and applications, and the sensor data analysis, are shown through different use cases from autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars to eHealth risk assessment applications and media delivery.
In addition to the demonstrations, there will be two keynote talks from our research. The first keynote concentrates on self-driving cars. The second keynote is on connectivity for autonomous ships, the architecture, use cases and research challenges. During the event, there is also possibility to see and hear more about VTT’s self-driving cars, since one of our cars (“Martti”) will be around during the event and participating in demonstrations.
Please register here: Registration link no later than 11 December.
For more information:
Jyrki Huusko, Research Team Leader, VTT,, +358 40 5254698
5GTN had a live demo at 5G demo day at Nokia Oulu
5GTN presented a live demo about remote drawing over 5G radio link at the 5G demo day at Nokia Oulu during September 7-8 2016. In the demo, low latency of 5G radio link was highlighted and the difference between 4G and 5G latencies was demonstrated. (in Finnish)
5GTN and 5G seminar at University of Oulu (in Finnish)
Seminar about new business potentials boosted by 5G on September 5th 2016. Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner as a keynote speaker. See all the presentation using the following link:
5G ja uudet liiketoimintamahdollisuudet
5GTN in Northern Glow 2016
5GTN presented in Northern Glow 2016 in Oulu 25th of August 2016
5GTN and European Wireless Conference 2016
5GTN presented in European Wireless Conference 2016 in Oulu 18-20 of May 2016
Second 5GTN/HILLA workshop on Jan 14th 2016
The second 5GTN/HILLA workshop will be held on Jan 14th 2016
Location: VTT, Oulu
Time: Thursday 14.1.2016 at 9.00 – 12.00
For more information and registration:!people/cjg9
5GTN/HILLA workshop on Wednesday 7.10.2015
Welcome to 5GTN/HILLA workshop, where you’ll hear the latest updates what is going on in 5G networks and also future visions about them
Location: University of Oulu, Lecture Hall L2
Time: Wednesday, 7 October 2015, 9:00 – 12:00
For more information and registration:!people/cjg9
5GTN at 5thGear full day event Fri 13.11.2015
5GTN will be presented at 5thGear’s full day event, which will be held in Helsinki on Fri 13.11.2015.
5GTN will be presented in Tekes/5thGear seminar Thu 22.10.2015
Ministry of Transport and Communications is organizing in collaboration with Tekes/5thGear programme an open discussion seminar on Thu 22.10.2015 in Helsinki to foster
discussion between the 5G developers and the utilizing industries. The event will be in Finnish.
5GTN in Global Forum 2015
5GTN is presented at Global Forum 2015, held in Oulu City Theater 28th and 28th September 2015.
Public project kick-off
Public project kick-off seminar will be held at Saalastinsali, University of Oulu, February 18th, 13:00-15:00.