5GTN rolls out new services – includes latest IoT
5G Test Network (5GTN) is opening a long-awaited NB-IoT network that makes it possible to test the Internet of Things on mobile devices, which will give a head-start to many. 5GTN also announces new service environment scheduled to open on 11th December 2017, when the practical benefits for companies will be presented at the kick-off event at Linnanmaa campus. More information will follow.
In future, 5GTN environment testing packages can be utilized as to-be-launched service products by joining the 5GTN Community. The purpose of the 5GTN Community is to prepare for new business opportunities enabled by 5G. Services of entirely new kind must be built on the wireless technology of the future, as competition for exploiting technology breakthroughs is intense in various industries.
The 5GTN is continuously developed by the University of Oulu and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. As the developer of 5G, Oulu and Finland enjoy a competitive edge alongside major international players.
Further information:
Olli Liinamaa, 5GTN Project Lead, University of Oulu, Olli.Liinamaa (at), tel. +358 40 5461418
Atso Hekkala, 5GTN Project Lead, VTT, atso.hekkala (at), tel. +358 40 7515708
Petri Kivinen, 5GTN Customer Relations, University of Oulu, Petri.Kivinen (at), tel. +358 50 3285780
VTT:n Impulssi: Mediatuotannossa ja asumispalveluissa valmistaudutaan 5G-verkkoon
5G testiverkkohankkeessa mukana olevat YLE, Caritas ja Hartela kertovat testiverkkoaktiviteeteistaan.
Mikä ihmeen 5G? MTV otti selvää…
Haastattelussa Olli Liinamaa ja Matti Latva-aho 5G testiverkon Oulun yliopiston kehittäjätiimistä.
5GTN provides a testbed environment for MIDIH project
The MIDIH (Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs) project is a project funded by EU. The project consortium consists of 21 beneficiaries, including VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
In the MIDIH, VTT will form a Competence Centre for Real Time Stream Analytics developing technologies required for guaranteed response times and determinism in data analytics. The project has started 10/2017 and will end 09/2020.
See more on the MIDIH project:
‘Oulu Finland: 5G Lives Here’ as a cover story in the PC MAG in September Issue
Web version of the article can be found at
5GTN in Forbes article
Please see the full article:
5GTN provides technology support for 5GFWD hackathon in June
5GFWD hackathon will be held in Oulu in June. Please, see more information:
Deadline for applications is 29.5.
5GTN press release at 9th of May achieved several media hits…
In English:
In Finnish:
5GTN opens more to businesses
5G development environment of VTT, the University of Oulu and the Centria Polytechnic is now focusing especially for vertical business use. Please, see more from the press releases:
(in English):
(in Finnish):
5GTN in Tiede magazine (in Finnish)
Article about 5GTN and 5G development in Oulu in the Tiede magazine
Project kick-off
Project kick-off was held at Oulu.