Take a look of our new leaflet! Please find it here: 5gtn.fi/Leaflet
You will also see these in our booth at MWC 2018 in Finland Pavilion (Hall 3, Stand 3B10).
Take a look of our new leaflet! Please find it here: 5gtn.fi/Leaflet
You will also see these in our booth at MWC 2018 in Finland Pavilion (Hall 3, Stand 3B10).
5G Test Network will be present at MWC 2018 in Finland Pavilion at Hall 3, Stand 3B10. 5G Test Network is part of 5GTNF (5gtnf.fi). Please book a meeting at http://techhubfinland.fi/mwc18finland/#book-a-meeting to discuss 5G & IoT testing and co-creation possibilities. You can also meet our experts in the 5GTNF-booth at the MWC18:
-Petri Kivinen linkedin.com/petrikivinen
-Teemu Kanstren linkedin.com/teemukanstren
-Jyrki Huusko linkedin.com/jyrkihuusko