5GTN introduces more services

5G Test Network in Oulu adds Network Monitoring to its service portfolio offered to customers, making it possible to monitor selected KPI’s from network elements and interfaces. In addition, Wireless Access LTE service is enhanced with the introduction of VoLTE and messaging services capability. All these service products are available in 5GTN’s open innovation platform today. See descriptions of all available products at services.5gtn.fi.


Further information:

Olli Liinamaa, 5GTN Project Lead, University of Oulu, Olli.Liinamaa (at) oulu.fi, tel. +358 40 546 1418

Atso Hekkala, 5GTN Project Lead, VTT, atso.hekkala (at) vtt.fi, tel. +358 40 751 5708

Petri Kivinen, 5GTN Customer Relations, University of Oulu, Petri.Kivinen (at) oulu.fi, tel. +358 50 328 5780

The CNL technology demo competition: 5G and Beyond – Towards Autonomous Systems

It is again time for VTT’s CNL and 5G test network demo competition. The demo competition will be held at VTT premises in Oulu (Kaitoväylä 1) on Thursday 14th of December. In the event we will present some of the main results from our different research and development projects carried out during this year. In the event, the different demo groups will also compete for the Demo of the Year -title and CNL Trophy. The award will be given based on votes from audience.

The theme for this year is “5G and Beyond – Towards Autonomous Systems”, which targets on showing the various enablers for easing and securing our everyday life and handling the constantly increasing complexity of the networked systems. The developed technology enablers including for example utilizing 5G technologies for collecting and processing the sensor/radar information, improving the security in 5G systems and applications, and the sensor data analysis, are shown through different use cases from autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars to eHealth risk assessment applications and media delivery.

In addition to the demonstrations, there will be two keynote talks from our research. The first keynote concentrates on self-driving cars. The second keynote is on connectivity for autonomous ships, the architecture, use cases and research challenges. During the event, there is also possibility to see and hear more about VTT’s self-driving cars, since one of our cars (“Martti”) will be around during the event and participating in demonstrations.

Please register here: Registration link no later than 11 December.

For more information:

Jyrki Huusko, Research Team Leader, VTT, jyrki.huusko@vtt.fi+358 40 5254698

5GTN rolls out new services – includes latest IoT

5G Test Network (5GTN) is opening a long-awaited NB-IoT network that makes it possible to test the Internet of Things on mobile devices, which will give a head-start to many. 5GTN also announces new service environment scheduled to open on 11th December 2017, when the practical benefits for companies will be presented at the kick-off event at Linnanmaa campus. More information will follow.

In future, 5GTN environment testing packages can be utilized as to-be-launched service products by joining the 5GTN Community. The purpose of the 5GTN Community is to prepare for new business opportunities enabled by 5G. Services of entirely new kind must be built on the wireless technology of the future, as competition for exploiting technology breakthroughs is intense in various industries.

The 5GTN is continuously developed by the University of Oulu and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. As the developer of 5G, Oulu and Finland enjoy a competitive edge alongside major international players.

Further information:

Olli Liinamaa, 5GTN Project Lead, University of Oulu, Olli.Liinamaa (at) oulu.fi, tel. +358 40 5461418

Atso Hekkala, 5GTN Project Lead, VTT, atso.hekkala (at) vtt.fi, tel. +358 40 7515708

Petri Kivinen, 5GTN Customer Relations, University of Oulu, Petri.Kivinen (at) oulu.fi, tel. +358 50 3285780

5GTN provides a testbed environment for MIDIH project

The MIDIH (Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs) project is a project funded by EU. The project consortium consists of 21 beneficiaries, including VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

In  the MIDIH, VTT will form a Competence Centre for Real Time Stream Analytics developing technologies required for guaranteed response times and determinism in data analytics. The project has started 10/2017 and will end 09/2020.

See more on the MIDIH project: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/211689_en.html

5GTN received 5G equipments (news in Finnish)

Several news about 5GTN and 5G radio technology -press release in media (in Finnish):

Kaleva: VTT:lle ja Oulun yliopistolle Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet Nokialta http://www.kaleva.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/vttlle-ja-oulun-yliopistolle-suomen-ensimmaiset-5g-demolaitteet-nokialta/751188/

Tekniikan Maailma: Täysimittainen elokuva latautuu muutamassa sekunnissa – Ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet tulivat Suomeen https://tekniikanmaailma.fi/elektroniikka/taysimittainen-elokuva-latautuu-muutamassa-sekunnissa-ensimmaiset-5g-demolaitteet-tulivat-suomeen/?shared=740687-3b6c908d-500

Tekniikka ja Talous: 5G mullistaa tiedonsiirron: ”Elokuva latautuu muutamassa sekunnissa” – Nokia toimittaa ensimmäiset testilaitteet tutkijoille http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/tekniikka/ict/5g-mullistaa-tiedonsiirron-elokuva-latautuu-muutamassa-sekunnissa-nokia-toimittaa-ensimmaiset-testilaitteet-tutkijoille-6622812

Tietoviikko: ”Elokuvan lataaminen veisi vain muutaman sekunnin” – Nokian 5G-radiolaitteiden testaus alkaa http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/elokuvan-lataaminen-veisi-vain-muutaman-sekunnin-nokian-5g-radiolaitteiden-testaus-alkaa-6623180

Uusi Teknologia: Nokian 5G-tekniikkaa Oulun testiverkkoon http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/02/09/nokian-5g-tekniikkaa-oulun-testiverkkoon/

Mobiili.fi: Nokialta ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet tutkimus- ja opetuskäyttöön Ouluun http://mobiili.fi/2017/02/09/nokialta-ensimmaiset-5g-demolaitteet-tutkimus-ja-opetuskayttoon-ouluun/

Oulu-lehti: VTT:lle ja Oulun yliopistolle Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet http://www.oululehti.fi/?app=NeoDirect&com=6/255/204129/5015204480

Tiedetuubi: Tässä tulevat Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-verkon demolaitteet http://www.tiedetuubi.fi/tekniikka/tassa-tulevat-suomen-ensimmaiset-5g-verkon-demolaitteet