“Join the 5GTN community to benefit fully from the technological and economic potential of 5G!”

The enormous technological leap to 5G necessitates participation of the whole society. 5GTN invites actors from all sectors and fields to its open co-creation platform!

In addition to the open development environment, fully confidential services are available. The results of trials are owned by the partner.

Supported by the technical solutions of 5GTN and cooperation within the 5GTN community, everyone can become a co-creator of 5G!



Verkotan appreciates the innovative cooperation in the 5GTN community and sees its importance in the continuous development of 5G testing services. For Kari Komonen, CEO, this means the following

“ To be part of 5GTN community is a valuable asset for Verkotan and all the associates. With cooperation of the local technology leaders we can learn from each other and together create joint added value for everyone in the community. For Verkotan operating in the wireless industry this cooperation means more opportunities to help us to verify performance in a highly realistic radio environment. “

With Caritas, 5G Test Network has enabled flexible service solutions for older people’s independent living. Petteri Viramo, MD and CEO of Caritas Palvelut Oy confirms

“Co-operation with experts on the field of the new technology has been a great journey for us to learn more about possibilities but also limitations. I really believe that also our partners have come to know everyday life of elderly people.“

Keysight Technologies has found its membership in the 5G Test Development project highly beneficial. Director Matti Passoja, Post-processing Products, describes

“The coexistence of latest network technologies and open access to the network itself make 5GTN a truly valuable reference. Carrying out joint measurements and working side by side with other technology leaders provides mutual learning opportunities and possibilities to profit from the immense knowledge-base which exists in the Oulu region. Everybody benefits from the cooperation between multiple players leading to direct improvements in individual products.”