The CNL technology demo competition at VTT Oulu on Wednesday 28th of November

Welcome to VTT’s CNL and 5G test network demo competition. The demo competition will be held at VTT Oulu (Kaitoväylä 1) on Wednesday 28th of November. In the event there will be presented some of the main results from VTT’s different research and development projects carried out during this year.

In addition to the demonstrations, there will be a keynote “How to Avoid the 3rd A.I. Winter” by Research Professor Heikki Ailisto from VTT.

Please register here on 26th of November at the latest.

See the program for the demo competition and the list of demos to be presented.


12:30 Opening of event
12:45 Heikki Ailisto: How to Avoid the 3rd A.I. Winter
13:45 Introduction to demos
14:00 Coffee Break
14:30 Demo session
15:45 Competition results – award ceremony
16:00 Networking + snacks & drinks


  1. Real-time monitoring for sport wearables in a cellular IoT network
  2. Towards Next-Generation Media Streaming for Mass Events
  3. 5G-assisted automated driving in challenging conditions
  4. Camera based person counter
  5. DeepActivity physical activity recognition on mobile device
  6. Fiber-optic data transceiver modules
  7. User-Friendly Configurable Network Slicing Environment
  8. Indoor positioning with Wi-Fi FTM
  9. Ticket resale system

Launch and Co-creation Event for New Oulu 5GTN Services

Welcome to the launch event of Oulu 5GTN services. 5GTN offers open wireless access and related services including an a long-awaited mobile-based NB-IoT network that makes it possible to test the Internet of Things on mobile devices. The event is open to all without registration, and can also be followed via live streaming.

Time: Monday 11 December 2017 at 12:30-15.00

Place: University of Oulu, Saalasti Hall (Pentti Kaitera Street 1)

Live stream:


12:15             Coffee

12:30             Opening

12:40             Video Greeting – Anne Berner, Minister of Transport and Communications

12:50             Greetings from University of Oulu

13:00             Greetings from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

13:10             Introduction of the New 5GTN Services

13:30             Co-creation within the 5GTN Community – Company Success Stories

MediaTek Wireless Finland Oy

Eltel Networks Oy

Haltian Oy

14:00             5GTN Tour in the Campus Area

Possibility for Confidential Discussions with 5GTN Experts

15:00             Closing



5GTN participates the workshop organised by 5thGear at EuCNC

5GTN will be presented at the 5G Test Network Finland and Finnish Open Innovation Ecosystem workshop in the the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC).

The workshop, organised by Tekes 5thGear programme, focuses digitalisation enabled by 5G, cyber security, analytics and IoT.

The workshop is open for all free of charge. However, a pre-registration is required at