Welcome to the launch event of Oulu 5GTN services. 5GTN offers open wireless access and related services including an a long-awaited mobile-based NB-IoT network that makes it possible to test the Internet of Things on mobile devices. The event is open to all without registration, and can also be followed via live streaming.
Time: Monday 11 December 2017 at 12:30-15.00
Place: University of Oulu, Saalasti Hall (Pentti Kaitera Street 1)
Live stream: https://connect.funet.fi/vimma3
12:15 Coffee
12:30 Opening
12:40 Video Greeting – Anne Berner, Minister of Transport and Communications
12:50 Greetings from University of Oulu
13:00 Greetings from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
13:10 Introduction of the New 5GTN Services
13:30 Co-creation within the 5GTN Community – Company Success Stories
MediaTek Wireless Finland Oy
Eltel Networks Oy
Haltian Oy
14:00 5GTN Tour in the Campus Area
Possibility for Confidential Discussions with 5GTN Experts
15:00 Closing