Elisa promotes world class research with 5GTN
Elisa, as a new partner of 5GTN+, cooperates with the University of Oulu and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland on 5G networks.
See the press release by Elisa:
5GTN received 5G equipments (news in Finnish)
Several news about 5GTN and 5G radio technology -press release in media (in Finnish):
Kaleva: VTT:lle ja Oulun yliopistolle Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet Nokialta
Tekniikan Maailma: Täysimittainen elokuva latautuu muutamassa sekunnissa – Ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet tulivat Suomeen
Tekniikka ja Talous: 5G mullistaa tiedonsiirron: ”Elokuva latautuu muutamassa sekunnissa” – Nokia toimittaa ensimmäiset testilaitteet tutkijoille
Tietoviikko: ”Elokuvan lataaminen veisi vain muutaman sekunnin” – Nokian 5G-radiolaitteiden testaus alkaa
Uusi Teknologia: Nokian 5G-tekniikkaa Oulun testiverkkoon Nokialta ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet tutkimus- ja opetuskäyttöön Ouluun
Oulu-lehti: VTT:lle ja Oulun yliopistolle Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-demolaitteet
Tiedetuubi: Tässä tulevat Suomen ensimmäiset 5G-verkon demolaitteet
CWC and VTT receive the first 5G equipment in Finland
Nokia has delivered the first radio equipment based on 5G technology to VTT and to CWC. With the equipment, it is possible to study applications and services requiring 5G connectivity and demonstrate 5G opportunities offered to enterprises and other partners
Brand new video clip with the real M.Sc. students about exciting 5GTN measurement tour at the University
Correspondent Karjalainen is back in action, surfing the 5G network at the University of Oulu’s CWC! He infiltrates a group of students researching the first campus-wide 5G network in the world. It’s time to find out what measuring the 5G network really means and see the ICN-adaptiveness of our brave correspondent! The seen measurements are a part of an actual laboratory work for CWC’s course: Mobile Telecommunication Systems. This is that future-stuff!
5GTN introduced as a research and experimentation infrastructure in XiPi+
XiPi+ is a marketplace for stakeholders of Next Generation Internet Research and Experimentations. It is a part of EU Fire study activities. For more information, see
VTT’s Democompo winner from 5GTN team
VTT arranged annual CNL (Converging Network Laboratory) Demo Competition –event last December in Oulu. In the event, VTT’s project groups showed to their cooperation partners the results of the 2016 research projects in the form of the technology demos. On the basis of the public voting, the monitoring and visualisation of the 5GTN -demo was elected to the winner of the competition.
5GTN in Oulu University Newspaper
Article about 5GTN published in the newspaper of Oulu University. (in Finnish)
5GTN in Kaleva (in Finnish)
5GTN mentioned in Kaleva newspaper
5GTN in Kauppalehti (in Finnish)
5GTN in Kauppalehti newspaper
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