5GTN is participating to 5GTNF demo seminar

5G Test Network Finland is arranging a demo seminar on 15.11.2018 at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Kaitoväylä 1, 90571 Oulu and Aalto University (A-grid), Otakaari 5 A, 02150 Espoo. Video connection between the cities will be arranged.

Come to Oulu or Espoo and see what is cooking in the 5G shop. Latest 5G demos and project results, Business Finland strategy and programs, and 5GTNF plans among other topics are on the agenda of the day.

From 5GTN+ point of view, following demonstrations / presentations are going to be shown:
– Real-time monitoring for sport wearables in a cellular IoT network
– Video streaming with eMBMS-technology including Oulu to Espoo streaming
– Use of sensor data for elderly people in sheltered house
– New antenna solutions for 5G

See the program and the registration link to the event here:


Please register to the event by 8 November 2018. The event is free of charge.
